William Ford: Blog 2024-07-08T04:58:00Z William Ford William Ford [email protected] Michelle + Paul The Grove

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-10-05T13:20:20Z 2015-10-05T13:20:20Z Christine + Frank Beaver Kill Valley Inn

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-10-04T01:05:10Z 2015-10-04T01:05:10Z Amy + John Above Roof Top Staten Island

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-06-03T22:51:10Z 2015-06-03T22:51:10Z JESSICA + RYAN THE ALGER HOUSE NEW YORK CITY

What an amazing day for a New york wedding....

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-04-26T02:53:12Z 2015-04-26T02:53:12Z Kerri + Rick Davids Country Inn

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-04-03T01:01:09Z 2015-04-03T01:01:09Z J + B Manhattan Penthouse 1. 10. 2015

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-02-18T09:03:59Z 2015-02-18T09:03:59Z C + C The River Cafe Brooklyn New York

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-01-31T20:10:58Z 2015-01-31T20:10:58Z Lauren + Tom

This past April, I had the pleasure to be a part of Lauren and Tom's gorgeous wedding at Riverside Church in New York, NY. They not only had an exceptionally beautiful event, they had fantastic personality (see: pretzel face shot!). I love my job because working with couples like this make me forget it's work at all.


William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2015-01-07T18:34:48Z 2015-01-07T18:34:48Z Laura + Marshall

Let these images tell you a story of a wonderful couple from London that decided to share there vows in central park " One Rainy Day " ... 

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-11-27T14:53:28Z 2014-11-27T14:53:28Z JOHN+JULIA

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-05-31T22:39:42Z 2014-05-31T22:39:42Z Kelcie & Chad

I had the pleasure of photographing this lovely couples wedding this past September . Kelcie found me in a google searh of the river cafe in brokklyn .. The rest is history...Check out this love story that was featured in once upon a bride thanks to Stacey Weinstein 

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-02-27T15:49:29Z 2014-02-27T15:49:29Z Doninique & Eldar

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-02-21T22:18:39Z 2014-02-21T22:18:39Z Frank + Leslie The Alger House NYC


William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-01-26T16:44:06Z 2014-01-26T16:44:06Z Lauren + Tom Engagement Session

IMG_0975IMG_0975 IMG_1458IMG_1458 IMG_0812IMG_0812 C_0021C_0021 _CCM1182_CCM1182 _CCM1371_CCM1371 C_0017C_0017

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-01-22T14:27:05Z 2014-01-22T14:27:05Z Rachel + Aaron Wedding

So it's no secret blog posts are not my specialty.. Especially the writing part but I promise I will improve . Here's a wedding I shot recently in NYC at Robert Deniro's place the Tribecca Grill . Rachel's style was clean and simple and that's  exactly what the photos show. 20240508DSC_3696Edit20240508DSC_3696Edit IMG_1335Olivia SchettleIMG_1335Olivia Schettle IMG_1851.JPGOlivia OlszewskiIMG_1851.JPGOlivia Olszewski IMG_1558Olivia SchettleIMG_1558Olivia Schettle IMG_1675IMG_1675 IMG_1358Olivia SchettleIMG_1358Olivia Schettle 20240508DSC_3738Edit20240508DSC_3738Edit IMG_1895.JPGOlivia OlszewskiIMG_1895.JPGOlivia Olszewski

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2014-01-05T04:03:57Z 2014-01-05T04:03:57Z Boris + Diana Engagement

I couldn't wait to post this engagement shoot of Boris + Diana. My wife Melissa was my assistant for this one and was a tremendous help. I've been to Dumbo at least a hundred times and still managed to find a location that I didn't even know existed. Sometimes one of the challenges of shooting in the same location is coming up with new ideas... That wasn't the case this day.We started the shoot a bit late and the lost the light quick. Melissa was quite the photojournalist that day and took a few cool behind the scenes shots that I had to throw in the mix. There are a few photos in this set that I love... Hope you enjoy!    Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo Boris + Diana Engagement Session Dumbo

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2013-12-13T14:07:27Z 2013-12-13T14:07:27Z Monika + George Wedding

This has been a long time waiting. Officially the first blog post of William Mason Photograpy

The wedding of Monika + George took place a few years ago  in  New York City  starting at the Rivington hotel. Then Washington square park and the  venue took place in the Stanton Social. All family and guests cruised around in a NYC sight seeing bus. Me and my assistant Nick Marinaccio had a blast photographing this couple all around NYC. You're going to see this couple all over my website and after you view these images you will understand why...Enjoy!

William Ford [email protected] William Ford 2013-12-10T15:03:28Z 2013-12-10T15:03:28Z